
Sunday 29 September 2013

Zombies & Monsters Shop. First scene from my Flash application (Avatar game) project.

Before to publish only one first scene I had to delete other ones from my flash application. In order to execute it I had to open the scenes panel (Shift + F2 ), select and delete all requested scenes (all scenes except first one).

This Flash application is a project for my education establishment. I finished it in August 2013 and handed in for estimating with a project report. This is a reason why I don't want to publish entire application at the moment. This is the next step in progress of a Avatar game project. The user can choose and apply different parts of dress to the game character. On the picture above you can see the possible outfit for zombies and monsters. But first scene is a welcome screen only. The shop entrance is disabled.

ActionScript in first scene involves only following code:

reloadBtn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_reload);
function fl_reload(event:MouseEvent):void
{; //to repeat the sunrise

goSceneTwoBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_goSceneTwo);
function fl_goSceneTwo(event:MouseEvent):void
    //MovieClip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(1, "Scene 2"); //disabled transition to the next scene

London Views. My Flash Animation with pictures' fading.

This animation involves only six pictures. In order to have the infinit loop I used first pictures twice: in the beginning and in the end of animation. Each following picture appears on the scene before then the previous picture will vanish. This flash animation has only timeline navigation without any scripting.

Catwalk avatar game. My second Flash application with the real pictures of Anthony Greenfield.

I made a pictures research on internet and found several suitable pictures with famous model at the catwalk. I used photo with Anthony Greenfield only for academic purposes. This is my next step in learning of a user interface developing. My aim was to find the easiest UI. The simpler the better. Now you can see the result of my developing. Clicking on the different areas you can apply different shirts and pants separately.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Easiest Avatar game. My first simple Flash application with a timeline navigation.

Now I want to check: can I publish flash-movie on here. This is my first attempt. ActionScript contains only several EventListeners - the buttons click reactions:

emptyBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_1); function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_7(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(1); }